LUNA’s high-speed self-latching polarization switch module (PSW-003-M) switches between 2 output states of polarization (SOPs).
Figure 1 : PSW-003-M, High-Speed Polarization Switch Module
It can be configured as a polarization rotator, with output states 45° or 90° apart, or as a linear-circular converter. The device can be used for polarization sensitive OCT, polarization sensitive OTDR or OFDR, PMD monitoring, polarization modulation, polarization detection, and polarization metrology. The module version integrates the polarization switch (PSW-003) with a compact driver board that allows the user to control the switch state using TTL logic levels rather than having to build high- current driver circuits.
Figure 2 : Polarization ellipse for a generalized elliptical SOP α is the azimuth angle and β is the ellipticity angle of the polarization ellipse.
Figure 3 : Polarization Rotator Switch - Linear SOP rotation example: A linear input SOP at an arbitrary angle α0 experiences a positive (counterclockwise) or negative (clockwise) rotation of θ/2 due to the action of the switch.
The azimuth angle difference between the two output SOPs is the nominal switch angle θ, where θ = 45° or 90°, depending on the switch.
• Self-latching
• Pulse drive with low power dissipation
• Low power consumption : Power supply +12VDC
1KHz switch frequency, average
current : 5.7mA
1Hz switch frequency, average
current : 2.1mA
• Compact: 42(L) x 20.5(W) x 17.5(H) mm
• Flexible driving method : quadrature
dual-port logic signal
• Polarization diversified detectors and sensors
• Polarization sensitive OCT
• Polarization metrology
• Polarization sensitive
• PMD monitoring
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